Friday, August 30, 2013


先日の桜からです。桜の種類は関山(かんざん、とかせきやま)って八重桜です。 雨降りなので特注のをチェーンソウで切れません。薪用にブルバードに放置された お手軽サイズの材料からです。直径26センチほどで葡萄種油仕上げです。マイクロオーブンで 三分ずつ五度クッキングして有ります。二日前に造った39センチのもついでに七度クッキングしましたので もう手放しても大丈夫かと思います。去年の桜も同種だったのです。多分凄く鉄を錆びさせる、30分経つとレイズが真っ赤に錆び始めるような 事を言ったと思います。今年のは、酷くないのです。今まで使ってる材料の中で錆びさせるほうであることに違いは無いのですが、特別 気を使わなくても大丈夫です。
From the cherry I got a few days ago. The cherry is "kanzan" variety and the most common type here. Since it was rain today, I couldn't cut larger pieces with chainsaw outside. I used one of small piece which the city crew left on the boulevard for people who want them for their fire wood. 260 mm in diameter and finished with grape seed oil. Before oiling I cooked in a microwave five times for three minutes each. I also cooked the largest bowl I made two days ago for seven times. I think now I could let it go to the neighbour who wants it. The last year's cherry was the same variety as this year's. I think I mentioned the wood was very corrosive and make my lathe started getting lusty in a half hour. This year's is also somewhat corrosive than other varieties I have tried, however, it is not corrosive enough to make me worry and do something to take care of the lathe.


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