Tuesday, January 19, 2016


I have been very lazy about updating my blog. I am writing this page on January 19th two months after my last sale so you can see my laziness is serious.

This was my fourth year selling my bowls for fundraising for non profit organizations. I chose again Doctors without Borders for the donation this year. I am very happy about it since I didn't get any phone calls or emails from them asking for more money.

I changed the location of my sale from the Nikkei (Japanese cultural centre) Centre to a local community centre, expecting to have a different group of buyers. As a result, my sale this year improved and I raised $925 in total which is less than two years ago but almost three times higher than last year.

I donated right way to MSF Canada before I changed my mind. Today, I got a email from the community centre saying my fee for this year is waived because I am a non-profit vendor.
I am very happy to save the $80 fee, however, I think I lost my chance of quitting selling bowls for charity. I now have to make many more bowls than last year since half of the bowls you see below are now gone.

From February 2nd I am visiting Japan for five weeks and I'm also doing some bicycling there.

I donated a dozen boxes of Japanese books today to the Japanese Cultural Centre...some of them were from when I was 20.



